
The Law Offices of Sherry P. Broder has established its excellent reputation by aggressively, efficiently and successfully representing clients in a wide range of substantive legal areas, including medical malpractice, securities, defective products, class action lawsuits, discrimination, and human rights. In the United States Supreme Court, federal and state trial and appellate courts throughout the United States, and before administrative boards, government agencies and alternative dispute tribunals, the Law Offices of Sherry P. Broder has achieved results for her clients for more than 30 years.
Beyond this broad substantive law experience, the Law Offices of Sherry P. Broder are skilled and equipped with the resources to pursue and achieve successful outcomes for clients in the complex multi-party, multi-issue, multi-jurisdictional cases that are more and more common.
Litigation can be characterized as complex because it incorporates one or more of the following features:
- Massive document populations to be produced by or to the firm's client, and mastered as plaintiff or defendant;
- Very large numbers of potential deponents and witnesses;
- Issues involving complex calculations and large quantities of data;
- Complexity and interrelationship of multiple issues;
- Extreme time pressures imposed by judges, opponents, or client imperatives;
- Class action claims;
- The need to present and defend, or cross-examine, expert witnesses in highly technical or otherwise complex subjects; and
The Law Offices of Sherry P. Broder has faced all of these situations and combinations of them. Together, the group offers many decades of litigation experience in complex litigation in federal and state courts and in administrative trial-type adjudicative proceedings. Because of our experience in complex litigation, we are able to assemble teams tailored to the particular elements of complexity, to utilize the skills of these lawyers to achieve efficiency, and—ultimately the most important factor—to deliver results.