
Awards and Honors top
Hawaii Bar Journal
Sherry P. Broder received the Cox Price Human Rights Award from the Ved Nanda Center for International Law. This award is given to recognize exceptional contributions by an individual to the dignity and well-being of humanity through the legal process. Broder represents Native Hawaiians in their claims for entitlements and defends the constitutionality of their programs. She has been instrumental and efforts to reestablish the Hawaiian language.more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Honolulu attorney Sherry P. Broder received the Cox Price Human Rights Award from the University of Denver Law School for contributing to the dignity and well-being of humanity through the legal process.more...
Honolulu Magazine
Sherry Broder is probably most famous for the heptachlor milk contamination case of the 1980s, and for the still ongoing case against the Ferdinand Marcos regime brought by the 10,000 Philippine victims of torture. Most of her work is smaller scale, however—auto accidents and product defects. The reason she chose personal injury litigation as her kuleana? 'I thought I could help people and be able to fight for justice.more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
This Honolulu attorney has fought to help victims of the Marcos regime get their due.more...
Hawaii Bar Journal
Do you view yourself as just the bar president or as the first woman bar president? I view it both ways: as a bar president to provide leadership, to encourage lawyers to move ahead in a positive manner for themselves and for the community; and as the first woman bar president, which I feel is an accomplishment, to provide a role model. I guess that people are looking to me for leadership because I am a first.more...
Midweek Cover Storyl
Women have made a lot of progress professionally, Broder says. But it's hard to belive this is 1992 and I'm the first woman lawyer to be president of the Hawaii State Bar Associationmore...
Hawaii Business
Sherry Broder is elected president of the Hawaii State Bar Association, the first woman president in the 92-year history of the HSBA.more...
Accidents top
Honolulu Advertiser
Sherry Broder represents the family of Dana Ireland. Dana was brutally assulted and left to die in the Puna district of the Big Island of Hawaii. She negotiated a $500,000 settlement against the County of Hawaii for its failure to respond to a 911 emergency call in a timely matter. She also assisted the family in their eight-year effort to obtain justice and a murder conviction.more...
Defective Products top
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Sherry Broder, attorney who handled the lawsuit, said the study is part of a $4 million settlement to claims made from the heptachlor exposure.more...
Honolulu Magazine
What Broder did with the $4 million settlement set a precedent for toxic chemical law suits and was written up in the Harvard Environmental Law Review; The money went to the Hawaii Heptachlor Research & Education Foundation, a non-profit institution set up under court supervision to conduct medical monitoring programs, focused primarily on the 80,000 Oahu children, now aged 6 to 11, who are most at risk.more...
Honolulu Magazine
Broder has won a $ 1 million settlement from Foremost and another $3 million from Meadow Gold. The $4 million will be used for a medical monitoring program designed to discover what effects drinking contaminated milk had on Hawaii's population.more...
Human Rights top
LA Times
The late Philippine strongman Ferdinand Marcos so skillfully squirreled away billions in national wealth that, even 26 years after his ouster, those pursuing recovery of the ill-gotten bounty have little inkling of its true value.more...
One would think that after working on a single case for 25 years, the fire woould start to fade, but that is hardly the truth for Honolul human rights attornery Sherry Broder. more...
Star Adviser
The recent decision to compensate human rights victims of torture and abuse during the martial law regime in the Philippines is a major breakthrough in the long and complicated litigation against the Marcos estate, which started in the early 1990s. more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
A United Nations committee has said the Philippines is obligated to compensate human rights victims for the "unreasonable" delay in paying a $2 billion judgment issued in Honolulu against the estate of the late dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos. "We're just ecstatic about the opinion," said Honolulu attorney Sherry Broder, one of five attorneys who have represented the human rights victims in ongoing litigation with the Marcoses and his estate for the past 21 years. "This is another step toward collection, and it is a significant victory because justice delayed is justice denied," Broder said.more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
"'This is the first major amount of money we've been awarded,' said Sherry Broder, one of three attorneys representing the victims and their families. 'We are delighted that our clients will finally be in a position to achieve a recovery to provide some real compensation for the grave abuses they have suffered.'"more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Sherry Broder, one of three attorneys representing the victims, called the ruling a significant step in collecting the judgment. 'What we're trying to do is make these human rights cases meaningful, and the only way it will truly be meaningful is if the victims recover something,' she said."more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Attorneys representing a class action of 9,539 Filipinos that successfully sued the Marcos estate for human-rights abuses are trying to recover the $40 million to start paying a $2 billion judgment awarded to the class by a Honolulu jury in 1995.more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
"We're not giving up," [Broder] said. "We will never give up."more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
"We've been trying ... to track down and recover the Swiss assets," Broder said. "We need to move ahead and recover the Marcos assets and we believe the Swiss financial institutions should not be a safe haven for torturers and tyrants around the world."more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
[The Marcoses] assertion that they have no money or they have no access to any assets and are living on loans from friends for 14 years after Marcos was deposed and 11 years after his death is simply not credible," Broder saidmore...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
"This result holds a dictator accountable and finally fulfills the goal we sought in 1986 when Ferdinand Marcos fled to Honolulu from the Philippines," said Sherry Broder, a Honolulu attorney who was one of the lawyers for the victimsmore...
Honolulu Advertiser
If the settlement is approved by the Marcos family, the 9,541 victims of torture, execution and "disappearance" under Marcos martial law from 1971 to 1986 would be the first human rights victims in history to get money by suing their oppressors, according to Honolulu attorney Sherry Broder.more...
Rocky Mountain News
Honolulu attorney Sherry Broder, who appeared for the plaintiffs, said she hopes the decision "sends a message to other dictators who abuse their victims."more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
"Sherry P. Broder said the 10,000 victims are seeking the money before Imelda Marcos' and the Philippine government's maneuver to liquidate her assets. .more...
Honolulu Advertiser
After deliberating the equivalent of two days, the seven-man, four woman panel returned with verdicts favoring all but two of the trial's approximately 10,000 Filipino plaintiffs....Attorneys Sherry Broder of Honolulu and Robert Swift of Philadelphia, who represented the plaintiffs, hugged each other as the verdicts were read.more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Personal-injury cases like these, she says, "are on the cutting edge of law. Now we're looking for a means for people to have justice after torture."more...
Native Hawaiian Rights top
Sherry Broder at the Fourth Annual Hawaii Federal Bar Association Conference in December 14, 2012 at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel.more...
Ka Wai Ola
Sherry Broder, an attorney who represented OHA in the public hearings before the state, called the Knudsen Trust's decision to pull its petition 'a tremendous victory.more...
Ka Wai Ola
Federal District Judge Susan Oki Mollway issued an order dismissing the Arakaki v. Lingle lawsuit, which had sought to have government programs benefiting Native Hawaiians declared unconstitutional. OHA attorney Sherry Broder had argued for dismissal of the suit on the grounds that it was based on an essentially political question.more...
Honolulu Advertiser
"Broder's motion to dismiss the case contended that recent acts of Congress shepherding Hawaiian programs have fueled a political process that the courts should not interrupt."more...
Honolulu Advertiser
"Broder said the basis of her argument is that the treatment of Hawaiians is 'a political question, and Congress has made a determination that Native Hawaiians should be treated the same as Native Americans.'"more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
"Sherry Broder, lead attorney for OHA, called the ruling an 'important victory for Hawaiians and their continuing battle to preserve Hawaiian rights.'"more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
"OHA board attorney Sherry Broder said the plaintiffs' use of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the Rice vs. Cayetano case does not mean they will prevail."more...
Honolulu Advertiser
"Attorney Sherry Broder...said this case differed from the Rice vs. Cayetano case where the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Hawaiian-only elections were unconstitutional." more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
"Broder said international law requires governments to take steps to protect lands for indigenous people and to resolve land claims."more...
KITV4 News
"Broder responded: 'There's no reason why Native Hawaiians shouldn't be treated the same as Navajos who have reservations and have trust funds.'"more...
Honolulu Advertiser
"Sherry Broder yesterday called bogus Patrick Barrett's claims of discrimination in the rejection of an OHA business loan he had sought."more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
"'These cases really attack the fabric of the society and the history of Hawaii,' Broder said." more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
A lawsuit challenging a 1978 Hawaii constitutional amendment that supports Hawaiian homesteading, the state Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and native access and gathering rights seeks to halt the state from receiving and spending money for programs that exclusively benefit Hawaiians. Sherry Broder, attorney for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, said, "We are confident that we will be able to defend Hawaiian rights and entitlements."more...
Community top
Honolulu Advertiser
Orangutan foundation attorney Sherry Broder said that as Rusti's lawyer, she's confident he'll be happy in his new home. "I think he's getting a wonderful deal," she said.more...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
"Under a written agreement between the city and the foundation, the foundation will continue to pay for Rusti's food (about $250 worth of fruits and vegetables a month), a designated keeper and the full cost of the new enclosure, said Sherry Broder, attorney for the foundation. The zoo's staff veterinarian will provide services, as needed, at the city's expense, she said."more...