
The Law Offices of Sherry P. Broder has led the legal fight in remedying the abuses of civil and human rights to provide recovery for victims worldwide.
The Law Offices of Sherry P. Broder is currently representing the victims of exposure to nuclear testing in Micronesia.
On March 20, 1986, Sherry Broder filed a complaint against Ferdinand Marcos and Imee Marcos-Manotoc for the wrongful death of a 21-year-old engineering student named Archimedes Trajano. He dared to question Imee Marcos-Manotoc during a forum in the Philippines in 1977. He was later taken away and tortured to death. On March 26, 1991, visiting United States District Judge Manuel Real ordered the Marcos daughter to pay the Trajano family in excess of $4 million.
Since 1986, Sherry Broder has been part of a nationwide team of attorneys fighting to collect damages for a class of victims allegedy tortured and killed during the reign of Philipine dictator Ferdinand Marcos. The team won the largest civil judgement in United States trial history: Over $2 billion. They are currently fighting to collect from the Marcos estate, which has hidden the assets.